Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1776.07.27

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Index Entry At length, with generous indignation fir'd [fl] 
Location Portsmouth 
27 Jul 1776:41 (10)
At length, with generous indignation fir'd,
By freedom's noblest principles inspir'd,
The continental spirit blazes high,
And claims its right on independency!
Virginia hail!  thou venerable state!
In arms and councils still acknowledg'd great!
When lost Britannia in an evil hour
*First try'd the steps of arbitrary pow'r,
Thy gallant temper ev'ry bosom warm'd.--
And now, when Britain's mercenary bands
Bombard our cities, desolate our lands,
(Our pray'rs unanswer'd & our tears in vain,)
While foreign cut-throats crowd th' ensanguin'd plain;
Thy glowing virtue caught the glorious flame,
And first renounc'd the cruel tyrants name!
With just disdain, and most becoming pride
Further dependence on the crown deny'd!
Whilst freedom's voice can in these wilds be heard
Virginia's patriots shall be still rever'd.
*Time of the Stamp Act.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1776.07.27 
Publisher Dearborn, Benjamin 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0024254
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